

M. B. Goss and J. H. Kroll (2024); Organic aerosol formation from 222 nm germicidal light: ozone-initiated vs. non-ozone pathways; Environ. Sci.: Process. Impacts, Advance Article.

M. B. Goss and J. H. Kroll (2024); Chamber studies of OH + dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethyl disulfide: insights into the dimethyl sulfide oxidation mechanism; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24:1299–1314.

H. S. Kenagy, C. L. Heald, N. Tahsini, M. B. Goss, J. H. Kroll (2024); Can we achieve atmospheric chemical environments in the laboratory? An integrated model-measurement approach to chamber SOA studies; Science Advances, 10:eado1482.


V. Barber*, M. B. Goss*, L. J. Franco Deloya, L. N. LeMar, Y. Li, E. Helstrom, M. R. Canagaratna, F. N. Keutsch, and J. H. Kroll (2023); Indoor Air Quality Implications of Germicidal 222 nm Light; Environmental Science and Technology, 57:15990–15998.
(* co-first authors)


Q. Ye, M. B. Goss, J. E. Krechmer, F. Majluf, A. Zaytsev, Y. Li, J. R. Roscioli, M. R. Canagaratna, F. N. Keutsch, C. L. Heald, and J. H. Kroll (2022); Product distribution, kinetics, and aerosol formation from the OH oxidation of dimethyl sulfide under different RO2 regimes; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22:16003-16015.


Q. Ye, M. B. Goss, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, A. Zaytsev, A., P. Massoli, C. Y. Lim, P. Croteau, M. R. Canagaratna, D. A. Knopf, F. N. Keutsch, C. L. Heald, and J. H. Kroll (2021); Organic sulfur products and peroxy radical isomerization in the OH oxidation of dimethyl sulfide, ACS Earth and Space Science, 5:2013-2020.

Q. Ye, J. E. Krechmer, J. D. Shutter, V. P. Barber, Y. Li, E. Helstrom, L. J. Franco, J. L. Cox, A. I. H. Hrdina, M. B. Goss, N. Tahsini, M. R. Canagaratna, F. N. Keutsch, and J. H. Kroll (2021); Real-time laboratory measurements of VOC emissions, removal rates, and byproduct formation from consumer-grade oxidation-based air cleaners, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 8:1020–1025.


M. B. Goss, Z. Li, and M. S. McLachlan (2020); A Simple Field-Based Biodegradation Test Shows pH to Be an Inadequately Controlled Parameter in Laboratory Biodegradation Testing. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 22:1006-1013.


M. B. Goss. Zinc Mediated Deuteration: Mechanistic Studies and Expansion of a Family of Deuterated Compounds. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Williams College, Williamstown, MA, 2017.